OMEGA Constellation: An Internship Watch

By Amon Rosenzweig

There are many things that go into a watch. The history behind its creation, design, and purpose. Not to mention the countless springs, gaskets, and moving parts that actually enable the watch to work. What has always been most compelling to me is the story of how a watch was received as well as the memories associated with that watch. My relationship with watches began when my father gave me his Rolex Datejust reference 1603 from 1978-79 when I was 13. Each time I put this watch on, I am constantly reminded of memories of my father, my friends from home, and big moments in my teenage years. My father's gift would forever change my life as I would be enamored with watches from this moment on. Thankfully, my love and passion for watches helped me to begin a summer internship at Wind Vintage. On the second day of my internship, my boss, Eric Wind, handed me an elegant 1966 OMEGA Constellation Ref 168.010. This watch is incredibly special to me. My first thought when it was presented to me, was that it immediately reminded me of Don Draper's OMEGA Seamaster De Ville he wears in Season 5 of Mad Men. This is immensely important to me as Mad Men is my favorite show of all time and Don Draper my favorite character of all time (in fact he is the reason I chose to study business in college). The moment I tightened the warm honey strap that accompanied it to my wrist, it felt like it had belonged to me my whole life. I walked outside into the sunlight and the pink gold accents glistened like no other watch I had ever seen. As I have been wearing it over the course of these past weeks, nothing makes me more happy than to think of all of the great memories I will have of my summer internship at Wind Vintage with my generous, informative, and admiringly patient boss Eric, his lovely family, his right hand man and my roommate, Charlie Dunne and all of the lessons they have bestowed upon me. Gratefully, if I need a reminder of any of these wonderful times I will just glance at my OMEGA Constellation Ref 168.010. 

vintage OMEGA Constellation Reference 168.010
OMEGA Constellation Reference 168.010
vintage OMEGA Constellation Reference 168.010
charlie dunne